We just finished celebrating the 50th anniversary of the U.S. landing on the moon, only to have the story marred by the news that astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, likely died from what at least looks to be major medical errors in his treatment. What a tragic end to […]
My Cardiovascular Risk Conundrum
In the last couple of weeks I have had two vigorous healthcare conversations that I am having trouble figuring out how to reconcile with each other. Both were related to how we best predict cardiovascular disease and both were incredibly compelling and engaging and involved super smart people – experts at the top of their […]
Medical Devices: Pigs Have Flown, Hell Hast Frozen Over – and It’s a Good Thing
In Health IT, When Inertia is Your Enemy, ROI is Your Friend
Last week I had the opportunity to address 100 or so members of the Health Management Academy, a group of very senior healthcare system executives from the nation’s largest health systems (representing >1700 hospitals) who meet to “exchange best practices and benchmark information on increasing the quality and efficiency of healthcare.” The meeting was held […]
Ask Not for Whom the Bundle Tolls…
Bowie and the JPM Experience
Last week was quite a week. We lost David Bowie and gained another year at JP Morgan. Bowie’s passing was a big topic of discussion at the conference. GenXers and Millenials alike don’t like it when their superstar rock idols die of natural causes, and it made many feel their own mortality. We get so […]