Another year, another COVID-driven cancellation of the mayhem that is usually happening this week in San Francisco, generally known as the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference. As I thought about the negatives (missing friends, missing opportune key meetings, missing major news events), and the positives (no $200 coffee klatches, no sweaty crowds, no foot pain and […]
JPM 2019 – A Study in (Some) Diversity
As everyone in healthcare knows, and also every single San Francisco-based Lyft and Uber driver, the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference (“JPM”) was held last week. “JPM” has become a shorthand for the ritual amassing of healthcare life forms in San Francisco that occurs right when your New Year’s Eve hangover is wearing off. It is […]
There Will Never Be a New World Order Until Women Are a Part of It
Bowie and the JPM Experience
Last week was quite a week. We lost David Bowie and gained another year at JP Morgan. Bowie’s passing was a big topic of discussion at the conference. GenXers and Millenials alike don’t like it when their superstar rock idols die of natural causes, and it made many feel their own mortality. We get so […]
Is That Revenue in Your Pocket or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
Today I was reading one of MedCity News’ wrap up articles from the JP Morgan Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Healthcare Circus, which is just folding up tent in San Francisco. Everyone was here: the elephants, the clowns, the whole magilla, as my mom used to say. Also there were lots of great people who […]
Online Diagnosers Exceed Number of Words With Friends Players–Go Figure
Where The Boys Are…And Not The Girls: Tales from the 2012 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference
I set off for five straight days at the annual JP Morgan healthcare conference last Monday, but on the way drove the carpool to my daughter’s high school that morning in a last ditch attempt to act like a responsible and caring parent. My poor daughter gets completely abandoned during JP Morgan week every year […]
Alas, No Line for the Ladies’ Room
I am still recovering from last week’s 29th Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference (“JPM”). For those of you who did not spend last week at JPM, you can creatively visualize the experience: just imagine being crammed into a 4 square block area of San Francisco with every single person who ever uttered the words “health […]
Alas, No Line for the Ladies' Room
I am still recovering from last week’s 29th Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference (“JPM”). For those of you who did not spend last week at JPM, you can creatively visualize the experience: just imagine being crammed into a 4 square block area of San Francisco with every single person who ever uttered the words “health […]