You know how you accumulate stuff in your office until it feels like a time capsule? Well, that was my office until last week. I decided it was high time to dig a trench between the door and the desk and, in the process, to move whatever was in there taking up space to that […]
Digital Health: Caveat Emptor, Caveat Venditor, To Infinity and Beyond!
Caveat Emptor, Caveat Venditor. That is my official blog post foreshadowing. The digital health rocket seems to have gotten supercharged lately, at least when it comes to fundraising. Depending on who you ask, either $1.62 billion (Rock Health’s count) or $2.5 billion (Mercom) or $2.8 billion (Startup Health’s count) was plowed into digital health companies […]
The Wearable di Tutti Wearables
There Is No “I” in Team, But There Is In “Win”
“The team with the best players wins.”–Jack Welch, former Chairman & CEO, General Electric Last week I had the pleasure of moderating a panel of accelerator and angel investor representatives in the course of teaching my healthcare venture capital class at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. Together with my teaching partner, Dr. Jeff Rideout […]
I'm On A Boat! The Rising Fleet of Incubators
This post also ran in Health Care IT News on October 1, 2012 I was hanging out with Tom Rodgers of Cambia Health the other day and we were discussing the seemingly unrelenting trend of the formation of new technology incubators and accelerators, designed to help catapult the weird and wonderful ideas of entrepreneurs into actionable companies. […]
Your CEO May Be A Man, But Your Healthcare Customer is a Woman
I recently saw a statistic from Rock Health that said that women comprise only 4% of healthcare industry CEOs. For those of you who are slow at math, this means that 96% of the people running pharmaceutical, medical device, healthcare IT, healthcare service, provider system, health insurance and all of the other healthcare enterprises out […]
You Say You Want a Healthcare Revolution
“You say you want a revolution,Well, you know,We all want to change the world”—The Beatles I had the pleasure of attending a “salon” type dinner hosted by Xconomy and its chief correspondent and San Francisco editor Wade Roush last week (and graciously sponsored by Silicon Valley Bank and Alexandria Real Estate Equities). The dinner included […]
Never Let Anyone Make You a Carrot
“The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution.” –Paul Cezanne A couple of years ago my sister told me a story about how she came home from work to find her husband and then 5-year-old daughter playing “house” with her dolls and dollhouse. They were deep into the […]