The basic problems facing the world today are not susceptible to a military solution. –John F. Kennedy Despite what JFK once said, it seems that the way our American culture faces into crises is by declaring war against the perceived perpetrator. Even when no guns are fired or troops deployed, we have adopted the language […]
Sugar, Sugar
Last week there was a report about a patron of the Las Vegas-based Heart Attack Grill suffering a massive heart attack while consuming the restaurant’s famed “Triple-bypass Burger.” It would be funny if it weren’t so awful, but it is clearly the height of irony. I have written a few articles about the Heart […]
Sister Christian, Oh the Proxy Has Come
Since I’ve started writing this blog (I’m sorry, I refuse to concede that “blogging” is a real verb), readers often send me articles that might spur additional posts. A recent one came from Annette Bianchi, partner at Vantage Point Venture Partners (colleague, friend and cool Bernese Mountain dog owner) entitled, “The Sisters Bite Into McDonalds,” […]
Kosher Eggrolls and the Happiest Man in America
I am fascinated by the whole concept of “happiness” as a science and so I was intrigued when I saw an article recently about “The Happiest Man in the America,” so named by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. The Index is the composite of a survey that is done with 1000 random Americans every single day […]
Food Police! You’re Under Cardiac Arrest!
A few weeks ago, Judge Henry Hudson of Virginia ruled that the PPACA health reform law (oft-referred to as Obamacare) was unconstitutional because there was a provision that forced people to buy insurance. Commenting on his ruling, Judge Hudson was quoted as saying that using the Commerce clause to justify the requirement that everyone purchase […]
Food Police! You're Under Cardiac Arrest!
A few weeks ago, Judge Henry Hudson of Virginia ruled that the PPACA health reform law (oft-referred to as Obamacare) was unconstitutional because there was a provision that forced people to buy insurance. Commenting on his ruling, Judge Hudson was quoted as saying that using the Commerce clause to justify the requirement that everyone purchase […]
Never Eat More Than You Can Lift
Gentlemen, Start Your Checkbooks!
I read this week that a Sunset Hill, Missouri children’s dentist office paid its young patients for their Halloween candy. Starting November 1, Pediatric Dentistry of Sunset Hills has been giving kids a dollar for every pound of candy they turn in. As of November 4th they had collected 13-hundred pounds of sweets. Their plan […]
No Running By the (Insurance) Pool!
Health insurers have long shunned skydivers and hang gliders. Seems they are now thinking hard about extreme athletes of all types. If you were one of the half a million Americans who ran in a marathon in the last year, this might mean you. There was an article in today’s New York Times that discussed […]
A Person Who Aims At Nothing Is Sure To Hit It
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of those entities you hear about on the news occasionally but also one that few people really know much about. Rarely do we hear about the CDC except when flu season gets going or when some new infectious disease hits our shores. Yet the CDC […]