So a bit of a lapse in posts for me as I spent a luxurious few weeks vacationing. It’s amazing how fast that buzz can wear off as the world shoots you out of a cannon and back into your desk chair. I figured I would ease back into the blog with something light-hearted, so […]
In New York, You’ve Got to Have All the Luck
Digital Health & Medical Devices: Star-Crossed Lovers or Can they Complete Each Other?
“Two households, both alike in dignity…” Shakespeare’s opening lines to Romeo and Juliet Digital health made its debut on the stage this week at the annual Wilson Sonsini Goodrich Rosati (WSGR) Medical Device Conference. In each of this conference’s many prior years, the conference has focused exclusively on the traditional medical device industry, by which […]
From Russia With Love
(reposted due to technical glitch….) It is not everyday that a person gets to see something entirely foreign and new and have their eyes opened to things that delight and surprise them, but I have just returned from a week of that feeling and it was downright revelatory. It started in November with an invitation […]
From Russia with Love
It is not everyday that a person gets to see something entirely foreign and new and have their eyes opened to things that delight and surprise them, but I have just returned from a week of that feeling and it was downright revelatory. It started in November with an invitation I received from the Skolkovo […]