The farmer and the cowman should be friends. Oh, the farmer and the cowman should be friends. One man likes to push a plough, the other likes to chase a cow, But that’s no reason why they cain’t be friends. Territory folks should stick together, Territory folks should all be pals. …
Medical Technology: When You Are Through Changing, You Are Through
“When you are through changing, you are through.” –Bruce Barton On Friday I attended the American Heart Association’s 21st Annual Research Roundtable Luncheon, where I was the guest of Covidien Ventures (thanks guys!). The vast majority of people in the room were, like my Covidien compadres, somehow related to the medical device industry—as manufacturer, investor, […]
Medical Devices: What Those Paying Are Saying
I’m going to cheat a little today and reprint an article by Mary Stuart which was published in the December issue of In Vivo: The Business & Medicine Report. The article is essentially the slightly edited transcript of a panel I moderated recently at the IN3 Medical Device 360 Conference held in San Francisco. I […]
Singing a New Tune: Redefining Innovation in the Medical Device World
This piece also appeared on November 6, 2012 in PE Hub. In the world of medical devices, innovation has traditionally been defined as the invention of a new device or a new technology that can be packaged into a device, expanding the number of possible medical procedures or at least replacing old ones with those […]
We Are the 51%!
This story also ran in Xconomy on September 18, 2012 The organization called Medtech Women just held its second annual Medtech Vision Conference last week and it was another sold-out event. (You can see my story on the first year of the Medtech Vision conference here.) With a focus on the era of the “empowered […]
Release Yourself from Mental Slavery, or Could Technology Be the Very Thing That Makes Us Sicker?
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.” – Bob Marley, Redemption Song In the July 16, 2012 issue of Newsweek there was an article called “Is the Onslaught Making Us Crazy?” The article is about mounting evidence that the connected world—the world that drives us to obsession in the pursuit […]
What’s Done Cannot Be Undone
Shakespeare’s play MacBeth opens with two witches uttering these words: “When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? “When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battle’s lost and won.” The quote refers to the impending reunion of three sister witches intent on evil, but it struck me as a great metaphor for […]
Vision Without Execution is Hallucination
Recently Steve Case wrote an Op-Ed in the Washington Post called Give Entrepreneurs Room and They Will Grow the Economy. For those not familiar with him, Case was the original founding CEO of AOL and he has been an active healthcare investor, among other things, for the past 7 years. My firm, Psilos Group, has […]
Smoke on the Water: Fireworks in Cleveland
I spent the early part of this week attending the Cleveland Clinic Medical Innovation Summit and, despite the fact that the Cleveland Clinic stubbornly insists on holding it’s conference in Cleveland (aka The Mistake on the Lake), it was well worth attending. Cleveland is an interesting town. Once upon a time, when old white men […]
I Know What You’re Thinking
No, seriously, I actually do know what you’re thinking. Or I would, anyway, if I subjected you to what has got to be the most alarming development in neuroscience that I have seen lately or ever. According to a story I read in Gizmodo entitled Scientists Reconstruct Brains’ Visions Into Digital Video In Historic Experiment, […]