While I was time-wasting on Facebook or Twitter or whatever it was the other day, I came across a Kaiser Family Foundation quiz about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, now commonly known as the ACA. Since I spend at least 94.7% of my time dealing with issues related to the ACA, I figured […]
What’s Done Cannot Be Undone
Shakespeare’s play MacBeth opens with two witches uttering these words: “When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? “When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battle’s lost and won.” The quote refers to the impending reunion of three sister witches intent on evil, but it struck me as a great metaphor for […]
Driving My Life Away, Looking for a Better Way…to Engage Consumers
Attention to health is life’s greatest hindrance–Plato Let’s just say you own a car. You have undoubtedly purchased insurance for the car and if you are diligent and worried about value and performance, you also are diligent about maintenance. You get the oil changed according to schedule, you fill it with the right kind of […]
Needed: A 12-Step Program for Automation Addiction (take two)
Next Up: A 12-Step Program for Automation Addiction
Last Thursday I was sitting in my classroom at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business with my co-instructor, Dr. Jeff Rideout; we co-teach an MBA-level class called “The Changing Healthcare Economy” and together we were watching a great guest lecture by Dr. Andrew Litt, Dell Computer’s Chief Medical Officer. The focus of Dr. Litt’s […]
SXSW: Woodstock for Geeks
Turns out there are all different kinds of techno geeks out there. At HIMSS a few weeks ago I was feeling semi-hip among the healthcare uber-nerd crowd that worries about how to make big hospital and healthcare enterprises function with big data. It’s a festival of old-school techno weenies recognizable in the wild by their […]
Disney's Habit Heroes: Evil or Evil Genius?
Mary Poppins, Disney’s most revered children’s expert, once sang, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down,” encouraging parents everywhere to mask bad taste in sugary sweetness in the best interests of their children’s health. “Living” back in 1910, the year in which the film was set, Mary Poppins could not yet have known […]
Analysis Paralysis
37,000 of my closest friends and I attended the HIMSS Conference last week in Las Vegas. For those of you who don’t have a propeller permanently implanted in your head, HIMSS stands for the Health Industry Management Systems Society. It is an industry association self-proclaimed to be focused on “transforming healthcare through information technology.” Despite the […]
Vision Without Execution is Hallucination
Recently Steve Case wrote an Op-Ed in the Washington Post called Give Entrepreneurs Room and They Will Grow the Economy. For those not familiar with him, Case was the original founding CEO of AOL and he has been an active healthcare investor, among other things, for the past 7 years. My firm, Psilos Group, has […]
Study the Boomers! An Xconomy Report on Education
Xconomy, an extremely informative and smart web publication, today released a special Report on the Future of Education They compiled the content of the report by canvassing their Xconomists—whom they refer to as some of the world’s leading innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors—for their thoughts on what students should study to be prepared for the future. The […]
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