While talking to a fellow podcaster/healthcare innovation advocate last week, I had a sudden visual that came to my head which seemed to me a great metaphor for what happens to new ideas (aka “innovations”) brought to the healthcare system: a spaghetti colander. Here we are, we entrepreneurs, idea people, purveyors of the new/better/different, cooking […]
A (Picture) Book Club List for Would-Be Innovators
I was thinking a lot this week about what it takes for healthcare companies to adopt new innovations, particularly those that fundamentally change what has come before. The topic was top of mind because I was at the HealthXL Global Gathering where very large companies and many startups come together to collaborate in numerous permutations […]
Adventures in Healthcare Corporate Venture Capital – A Report
These days it seems that nearly every major healthcare entity, whether public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit, considers venture investing a core activity to advance their innovation agenda. Some are in it to learn, some to profit, others are in it because everyone else is doing it and thus FOMO is activated writ large. Corporate […]
Less Disruption Please!
At the Health Evolution Summit last week, I facilitated a meeting of about 25 corporate venture capital groups. To lighten up the discussion, I asked the group, comprised of payers, providers, health IT and tech companies and a smattering of pharma/medtech companies, to vote on the buzzword that they can’t stand to hear ever again […]
Thoughts on the Digital Health Gold Rush
The following post also appeared today in the new Oliver Wyman Health blog produced by Oliver Wyman’s Health & Life Science Practice. In 1998 I was forming my first venture fund with a focus on healthcare IT and healthcare services. It was an interesting time to be undertaking such a mission. The Internet boom […]
New Tech Tonics Podcast: John DeSouza, Meant for Medicine
As a child growing up in Ethiopia, John De Souza witnessed the grim reality of poverty–families wishing for rapid death for their sick children because a cure was out of reach socially and financially. Later he was able to emigrate to the U.S. and was accepted to Harvard Medical School. But he could not fulfill […]
Ante Up! Where I’d Place My Healthcare Bets
Singing a New Tune: Redefining Innovation in the Medical Device World
This piece also appeared on November 6, 2012 in PE Hub. In the world of medical devices, innovation has traditionally been defined as the invention of a new device or a new technology that can be packaged into a device, expanding the number of possible medical procedures or at least replacing old ones with those […]
Healthcare IT BINGO!
Note: this post also ran 9/7/2012 in HealthcareIT News I was hanging out with David Shaywitz of Forbes the other day and he told me about a piece he wrote some time back about the buzzwords associated with the “innovation” culture that has emerged by name in Silicon Valley and Beyond. In the story, which […]
You Say You Want a Healthcare Revolution
“You say you want a revolution,Well, you know,We all want to change the world”—The Beatles I had the pleasure of attending a “salon” type dinner hosted by Xconomy and its chief correspondent and San Francisco editor Wade Roush last week (and graciously sponsored by Silicon Valley Bank and Alexandria Real Estate Equities). The dinner included […]