While determining what to do with college and her career, Jessica Rousset struggled to decide – go with the right brain and be an artist or go with the left brain and pursue engineering. In a way she has managed to do both, though her current canvas is companies and her palette is the health […]
New Tech Tonics Podcast: Jim Joyce: A Man of Genius Makes No Mistakes
James Joyce, the famous Irish author, once said, “A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and are the portraits of discovery.” His namesake, entrepreneur Jim Joyce, could not agree more. An entrepreneur many times over and twice in healthcare, Jim could not agree more, though he says that the kind of […]
Coopetition: A Portmanteau in Action
OK, ready for today’s English lesson? Our concept for today is “portmanteau.” For you language nerds, a portmanteau is the combining of the sounds and meanings of two words into one new word. Originally coined, they think (whomever “they” are) by Lewis Carroll in Through the Looking Glass, you are definitely familiar with the concept […]
Sláinte Mhaith! Reflections on the HealthXL Global Gathering in Dublin
I always assumed “entrepreneur” was a French concept, considering the etymology of the word, but as it turns out an Irishman coined the term in 1755. Richard Cantillon first introduced the term in his seminal economic work called Essai sur la nature du commerce en general, which was published after his 1734 death. In the […]