In a country where it is estimated that 1 in every 3 people born today will get Type II diabetes and where there are already an estimated 19 million people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, another 6 million individuals with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, and 79 million with pre-diabetes, all resulting primarily from a lifetime […]
Are You Still Working On That?
Another Record Shattered
Workin’ 9 to 5…
Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance? ~ Edgar Bergen So I’m just returning from a week’s vacation and I’ve definitely got a serious case of vacation re-entry disorder. In theory it isn’t fatal, or so I thought. A recent study I read suggests that returning to work just might give the […]
Workin' 9 to 5…
Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance? ~ Edgar Bergen So I’m just returning from a week’s vacation and I’ve definitely got a serious case of vacation re-entry disorder. In theory it isn’t fatal, or so I thought. A recent study I read suggests that returning to work just might give the […]
Kosher Eggrolls and the Happiest Man in America
I am fascinated by the whole concept of “happiness” as a science and so I was intrigued when I saw an article recently about “The Happiest Man in the America,” so named by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. The Index is the composite of a survey that is done with 1000 random Americans every single day […]
Food Police! You're Under Cardiac Arrest!
A few weeks ago, Judge Henry Hudson of Virginia ruled that the PPACA health reform law (oft-referred to as Obamacare) was unconstitutional because there was a provision that forced people to buy insurance. Commenting on his ruling, Judge Hudson was quoted as saying that using the Commerce clause to justify the requirement that everyone purchase […]
Food Police! You’re Under Cardiac Arrest!
A few weeks ago, Judge Henry Hudson of Virginia ruled that the PPACA health reform law (oft-referred to as Obamacare) was unconstitutional because there was a provision that forced people to buy insurance. Commenting on his ruling, Judge Hudson was quoted as saying that using the Commerce clause to justify the requirement that everyone purchase […]